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Considering color pigments, Variation is known as a strong single color, and it is used to increase the intensity of colors. It can also be used to neutralize existing reflections in both natural and artificial pigments.

The group’s colors are numbered 0/11, 0/22, 0/33, 0/66 and 0/77.

Any color in the group is considered as a single fantasy color and can also be used to produce different reflections in the colorants.

Fidel hair color is formulized in Germany and contains keratin, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B5.

Fidel hair color is produced based on 1:1.5 ratio; as a result, it causes color retention, and uniformity in all hair strands.

Fidel hair color is produced in 70 color tones, 6 variations, and categorized in 17 groups.

Instructions:Pour 100 ml. of hair color in a non-metal container and add 150 ml. of Fidel oxidant and mix them until a uniform mixture is produced.

Packing:The product is available in 100-ml. packages.